Here's a glimpse into my project experience.
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Adonis Todolist (FullStack)
Project to learn AdonisJS and ReactJS by building a simple todolist app. created for live coding session.
ICP Bookstore (BackEnd)
Submission for TypeScript Smart Contract 101 challenge by the Internet Computer community on Decade.
Rawon (FrontEnd)
A simple powerful Discord music bot built to fulfill your production desires. Easy to use, with no coding required.
Stegripe (FullStack)
An online community that engages in various activities on the internet.
Bajigur (BackEnd)
A simple and easy-to-use WhatsApp Bot using Baileys and TypeScrpit.
Noxzym (FullStack)
A Full Stack Developer who is familiar with using React and NodeJS. Im known as Orchitiadi Ismaulana Putra or Noxzym at the internet
Zuikaku (FullStack)
The best Discord Bot that can serve you everytime, fast, always on, and no configuration.
Munari (BackEnd)
Enjoy your time with Munari, a Discord Bot that can help you with your server.